Information for Speakers

The talks run from 4:10 to 5:25 PM. Coffee is at 3:30PM. An informal dinner generally follows the talks. We hope to meet with speakers during the morning and afternoon.
We are on the tenth floor of the School of Social Work Building (1255 Amsterdam Avenue). The Department office is is in Room 1005.
Directions to the Department are here. A map can be found here.
The seminar room is equipped with an LCD projector with cables for connection to laptop computers. There are also whiteboards.
Please send a title and abstract a week or more ahead so that we may post an announcement.
Please also bring your travel receipts so that we can prepare the paperwork for reimbursements.
Anyone seeking to do business with or be paid by the University needs to be set up as a vendor here.
If you have questions contact Dood Kalicharan ([email protected]).
Reimbursements are subject to the Travel and Business Expense policies and procedures of Columbia University’s Accounts Payable.
The Department will arrange hotel accommodations for visitors spending the night in New York.