Professor, Department of Statistics Columbia University Office: 1255 Amsterdam Avenue Room 1008 SSW New York, NY 10027 Email: michael “at” stat “dot” columbia “dot”edu Phone: 212-851-2135 |
Research Interests
PapersSobel, M.E. and Lindquist, M., (2017), “Effective Connectivity and Causal Inference in Neuroimaging,” in Ombao, H., Lindquist, M., Thompson, W. and Aston, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Neuorimaging Data Analysis, Boca Raton, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 419-440. Sobel, M.E., Madigan, D. and Wang, W., (2016), “Causal Inference for Meta- Analysis and Multi-Level Data Structures, with Application to Randomized Studies of Vioxx,” Psychometrika, in press. Yu, W., Chen, K., Sobel, M.E. and Z. Ying, (2015), “Semiparametric Transformation Models for Causal Inference in Time-to-Event Studies with All-Or Nothing Compliance,” Journal of the Royal Statical Society, Series B, 77:397-415. Sobel, M.E. and Lindquist, M., (2014), “Causal Inference for fMRI Time Series Data with Systematic Errors of Measurement in a Balanced On/Off Study of Social Evaluative Threat,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109:967-976. Wang, X. and Sobel, M.E., (2013), “New Perspectives on Causal Mediation Analysis,” in Morgan, S. (Ed.), Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, Dordrecht, Springer, 215-242. Sobel, M. E. and Muthen, B., (2012), “Compliance Mixture Modelling with a Zero Effect Complier Class and Missing Data,” Biometrics, 68:1037-1045. Sobel, M.E., (2012), “Does Marriage Boost Men’s Wages?: Identification of Treatment Effects from Fixed Effects Regression Models for Longitudinal Data,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107:521-529. Sobel, M.E., (2012), “Does Marriage Boost Men’s Wages?: Identification of Treatment Effects from Fixed Effects Regression Models for Longitudinal Data,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107:521-529. 2009 Sobel, M.E. “Causal Inference in Randomized and Non-Randomized Studies: The Definition, Identification and Estimation of Causal Parameters”. Pp. 3-22 in R.A. Millsap and A. Maydeu-Olivares (Eds.) Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology, London: Sage. 2008 Sobel, M.E. “Predicting Electoral Outcomes: A Theoretical Comparison of Model Based Forecasts, Election Markets and Public Opinion Polls.” Draft. 2008 Sobel, M.E. “Identification of Causal Parameters in Randomized Studies with Mediating Variables”. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 33: 230-251. 2008 Sobel, M.E. “Causation and Causal Inference: Defining, Identifying and Estimating Causal Effects”. Pp. 113-129 in T. Rudas (Ed.), Handbook of Probability: Theory and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2006 Sobel, M. E. “What do Randomized Studies of Housing Mobility Demonstrate? Causal Inference in the Face of Interference.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 101:1398-1407. 2006 Sobel, M. E. “Spatial Concentration and Social Stratification. Does the Clustering of Disadvantage `Beget’ Bad Outcomes?” Pp. 204-229 in S. Bowles, S. N. Durlauf and K. Ho_ (Eds.), Poverty Traps, New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 2004 Kou, S., and M. E. Sobel. “Forecasting the Vote: An Analytical Comparison of Election Markets and Public Opinion Polls.” Political Analysis 12:277-295. 2004 Sobel, M.E.,N. D. De Graaf, A. Heath and Y. Zou. “Men Matter More: The Social Class Identity of Married British Women, 1985-1991.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series A 167: 37-52. 2004 Winship, C., and M. E. Sobel. “Causal Inference in Sociological Studies.”Pp. 481-503 in M. Hardy (Ed.), The Handbook of Data Analysis, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2001 Kou, S., and M. E. Sobel. “Hedging Electoral Risk.” Risk 14:95-98. Reprinted (pp. 269-274) in A. Lipton (Ed.), 2003, Exotic Options: The Cutting Edge Collection, Risk Books: London. 2001 Mouw, T., and M. E. Sobel. “Culture Wars and Opinion Polarization: The Case of Abortion.” American Journal of Sociology 106:913-943. 2000 Jones, B., and M. E. Sobel. “Modeling Direction and Intensity in Semantically Balanced Ordinal Scales: An Assessment of Congressional Incumbent Approval.” American Journal of Political Science 44:174-185. 1998 Sobel, M. E., M. P. Becker and S. Minick. “Origins, Destinations, and Association in Occupation Mobility.” American Journal of Sociology 104: 687-721. 1998 Sobel, M. E. “Some Log-Linear and Log-Nonlinear Models for Ordinal Scales with Midpoints, with an Application to Public Opinion Data.” Sociological Methodology, 1998: 263-292. 1998 Sobel, M. E. “Causal Inference in Structural Equation Models of the Process of Socioeconomic Achievement: A Case Study.” Sociological Methods and Research 27: 318-348. 1997 Sobel, M. E. “Modeling Symmetry, Asymmetry and Change in Ordered Scales with Midpoints Using Adjacent Category Logit Models for Discrete Data.” Sociological Methods and Research 26:213-232. 1997 Sobel, M. E. “Measurement, Causation and Local Independence in Latent Variable Models.” Pp. 11-28 in M. Berkane (Ed.), Latent Variable Modeling and Applications to Causality, New York: Springer-Verlag. 1996 Sobel, M. E. “An Introduction to Causal Inference.” Sociological Methods and Research 24:353-379. 1996 Sobel, M. E. “Clifford Collier Clogg, 1949-1995: A Tribute to his Life and Work.” Sociological Methodology, 1996:1-38 1995 Sobel, M. E. “Causal Inference in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.” Pp. 1-38 in G. Arminger, C. C. Clogg and M. E. Sobel (Eds.), Handbook of Statistical Modeling for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Plenum Press. 1995 Sobel, M.E. “The Analysis of Contingency Tables.” Pp. 251-310 in G. Arminger, C. C. Clogg and M. E. Sobel (Eds.), Handbook of Statistical Modeling for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Plenum Press. 1994 Sobel, M. E. “Causal Inference in Artificial Intelligence.” Pp. 183-196 in P.Cheeseman and R. W. Oldford (Eds.), Selecting Models from Data: AI and Statistics IV. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1994 Sobel, M. E. “Causal Inference in Latent Variable Models.” Pp. 3-35 in A.von Eye and C. C. Clogg (Eds.), Latent Variables Analysis: Applications for Developmental Research. Newbury, CA: Sage. 1993 Sobel, M. E. “Some Problems in Modelling Hypotheses about the Effects of Status Inconsistency.” Pp. 219-239 in R. W. Hodge and H. Strasser (Eds.), Change and Strain in Social Hierarchies: Theory and Method in the Study of Status Inconsistency. New Delhi: Ajanta Books, International. 1992 Sobel, M. E., and G. Arminger. “Modelling Household Fertility Decisions: A Nonlinear Simultaneous Probit Model.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 87: 38-47 1992 Sobel, M. E. “The American Occupational Structure and Structural Equation Modeling in Sociology”. Contemporary Sociology 21: 662-666. 1990 Sobel, M. E. “Effect Analysis and Causation in Linear Structural Equation Models.” Psychometrika 55: 495-515. 1990 Stone, C., and M. E. Sobel. “The Robustness of Estimates of Total Indirect Effects in Covariance Structure Models Estimated by Maximum Likelihood.” Psychometrika 55: 337-352. 1990 Arminger, G., and M. E. Sobel. “Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mean and Covariance Structures with Missing Data.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 85: 195-203. 1988 Sobel, M. E. “Some Models for the Multiway Contingency Table with a One-to-One Correspondence Amongst Categories.” Sociological Methodology, 1988: 165-192. 1987 Sobel, M. E. “Direct and Indirect Effects in Linear Structural Equation Models.” Sociological Methods and Research 16: 155-176. Reprinted (pp. 46-64) in J. S. Long (Ed.), 1988, Common Problems/Proper Solutions: Avoiding Errors in Quantitative Research. Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage. 1987 Hout, M., O. D. Duncan, and M. E. Sobel. “Association and Heterogeneity: Structural Models of Similarities and Differences.” Sociological Methodology, 1987: 145-184. 1986 Sobel, M. E. “Some New Results on Indirect Effects and Their Standard Errors in Covariance Structure Analysis.” Sociological Methodology, 1986: 159-186. 1985 Sobel, M. E. “Social Mobility and Fertility Revisited: Some New Models for the Analysis of the Mobility Effects Hypothesis.” American Sociological Review 50: 699-712. Reprinted (pp. 161-186) in H. Strasser and R. W. Hodge (Eds.), 1986, Status Inconsistency in Modern Societies. Duisburg, F. R. G.: Sozialwissenschaftliche Kooperative. 1985 Sobel, M. E., M. Hout, and O. D. Duncan. “Exchange, Structure, and Symmetry in Occupational Mobility.” American Journal of Sociology 91: 359-372. 1985 Sobel, M. E., and G. W. Bohrnstedt. “The Use of Null Models in Evaluating the Fit of Covariance Structure Models.” Sociological Methodology, 1985: 152-178. 1984 Sobel, M. E. “Some Large Sample Standard Errors for Components of a Mean Difference Under a Linear Model.” Sociological Methodology, 1983-84: 169-193 1983 Sobel, M. E. “Structural Mobility, Circulation Mobility and the Analysis of Occupational Mobility: A Conceptual Mismatch.” American Sociological Review 48: 721-727. 1983 Sobel, M. E. “Lifestyle Expenditures in Contemporary America: Relations Between Stratification and Culture.” American Behavioral Scientist 26: 521-533. 1983 Sobel, M. E. “Stratification and Lifestyle Differentiation in Contemporary American Society.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 2: 115-144. 1982 Sobel, M. E. “Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equation Models.” Sociological Methodology, 1982: 290 -312. 1981 Sobel, M. E. “The Diagonal Mobility Models: A Substantively Motivated Class of Designs for the Analysis of Mobility Effects.” American Sociological Review 46: 893-906. 1979 Halaby, C. N., and M. E. Sobel. “Mobility Effects in the Workplace.” American Journal of Sociology 85: 385-416.
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