
Senior Faculty


David Blei


Office: Room 912 SSW
Phone: 212-854-5450
Email: david.blei@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Probabilistic topic models, Bayesian nonparametrics, Hierarchical Bayesian models, Scalable Bayesian computation

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Professor, Director for Graduate Studies

John P. Cunningham

Professor, Director for Graduate Studies

Office: Room 1007 SSW
Email: jpc2181@columbia.edu
Faculty Leadership, Full-Time Faculty, Program Directors, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: statistical machine learning and its applications, particularly neuroscience


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Richard A. Davis

Howard Levene Professor

Office: Room 1026 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2137
Email: rdavis@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Time series analysis, financial time series modeling, extreme value theory, spatial-temporal modeling with environmental applications, applied probability, and stochastic processes.

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Victor de la Pena


Office: Room 1027 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2144
Email: vp@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
Professor Victor de la Pena's paper ``From Decoupling and Self-Normalization to Machine Learning'' was invited and has been published in the ``Notices of the American Society'' 
which is distributed to over 30,000 members and member institutions worldwide.

Research Interests: Inequalities in Probability and Statistics, Sequential Analysis, Boundary Crossing and Change Point Problems, U-Statistics and Processes, Self-Normalized Processes, General Dependence Structures Including Martingales, Decoupling, Copulas. Managing Risk in Complex Systems, Banking, Actuarial Sciences, Earth Sciences, Climatology Global Warming.

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Higgins Professor of Statistics

Andrew Gelman

Higgins Professor of Statistics

Office: Room 1016 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2142
Email: gelman@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: why it is rational to vote; why campaign polls are so variable when elections are so predictable; why redistricting is good for democracy; reversals of death sentences; police stops in New York City, the statistical challenges of estimating small effects; the probability that your vote will be decisive; seats and votes in Congress; social network structure; arsenic in Bangladesh; radon in your basement; toxicology; medical imaging; and methods in surveys, experimental design, statistical inference, computation, and graphics.

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Ioannis Karatzas


Office: Room 619 Mathematics Building
Phone: 212-854-3177
Email: ik@math.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Random Processes, Stochastic Analysis, Optimization, Mathematical Economics and Finance.

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Samory Kpotufe


Office: Room 911 SSW
Phone: 2128545391
Email: skk2175@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Statistical Machine Learning theory, Nonparametric Methods and Adaptivity, Minimally Supervised Learning, e.g., Active Learning, Domain Adaptation and Transfer Learning.  

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Jingchen Liu


Office: Room 1030 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2146
Email: jcliu@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Applied probability: extreme/rare-event analysis of Gaussian random fields, heavy-tailed stochastic systems, and random ordinary/partial differential equations; theory development for importance sampling and MCMC algorithms. Psychometrics: various inference problems of diagnostic classification models and their applications to psychiatric and education testing data; computerized adaptive testing.


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Shaw-Hwa Lo


Office: Room 1006 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2133
Email: slo@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Survival Analysis, Design of Clinical Trials, Resampling Methods, Coverage Problems, Analysis of Incomplete Data, Nonparametric Methods, Asymptotic Theory, Empirical Bayes Methodology. Statistical Genetics. Bioinformatics. Genetic network analysis.

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Professor Emeritus of Statistics

David Madigan

Professor Emeritus of Statistics

Email: david.madigan@columbia.edu
Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
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Arian Maleki

Associate Professor

Office: Room 1013 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2140
Email: mm4338@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
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Sumit Mukherjee

Associate Professor

Email: sumitm@stat.columbia.edu
Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Exponential families, estimation of log normalizing constant, consistent estimation, pseudo-likelihood. Gaussian processes, persistence problems, roots of random polynomials. Limits of permutations, large deviation and non uniform models on permutations. Graph theory, dense graph limits, large deviation for sparse graphs, graph coloring problems.

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Marcel Nutz


Office: Room 1031 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2148
Email: mnutz@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: mathematical finance, optimal transport, game theory, probability theory

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Liam Paninski


Office: Room 1028 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2166
Email: liam@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: neural data analysis, machine learning

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Philip E. Protter


Office: Room 1029 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2145
Email: pep2117@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department, Summer Visitors

Research Interests: Probability Theory, primarily in Mathematical Finance, but also in Markov Processes, Filtering Theory, and Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Differential Equations. Within Finance, recent interests include Ultra High Frequency Trading and Market Microstructure, Financial Bubbles, Mathematical Models of Insider Trading, and Models of Liquidity.

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Daniel Rabinowitz


Office: Room 1014 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2141
Email: dan@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Statistical methods for clinical and genetic epidemiology.

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Professor, Vice Chair for Research

Bodhisattva Sen

Professor, Vice Chair for Research

Office: Room 1032 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2149
Email: bodhi@stat.columbia.edu
Faculty Leadership, Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Nonparametric function estimation (especially under shape constraints). Bootstrap based inference in non-standard problems. Change-point and threshold models. Applications in Astronomy and High Energy Physics.

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Michael Sobel


Office: Room 1008 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2135
Email: mes105@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Causal Inference, fMRI, Social Statistics

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Professor of Statistics and of Biological Sciences; Director, Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics

Simon Tavaré

Professor of Statistics and of Biological Sciences; Director, Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics

Office: Schermerhorn Suite 601
Phone: 2128537068
Email: st3193@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Stochastic computation, approximate Bayesian computation, data science, computational biology, statistical bioinformatics, cancer evolution,  population and evolutionary genetics including coalescent theory. Statistical inference in molecular biology, human genetics, molecular evolution and palaeontology. Probabilistic combinatorics. 

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Zhiliang Ying


Office: Room 1033 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2151
Email: zying@stat.columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
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Ming Yuan


Office: Room 1010 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2143
Email: ming.yuan@columbia.edu
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
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Tian Zheng

Professor, Chair

Office: Room 1004 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2131
Email: tzheng@stat.columbia.edu
Faculty Leadership, Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department

Research Interests: statistical learning, network analysis, statistical genetics and computational biology

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Junior Faculty, Tenure Track

Howard Levene Assistant Professor

Marco Avella

Howard Levene Assistant Professor

Office: Room 926
Phone: 2128512159
Email: marco.avella@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department
Research interests: robust statistics, differential privacy, high-dimensional statistics, statistical machine learning and extreme value theory.


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Assistant Professor of Statistics and Herbert Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data Research

Bianca Dumitrascu

Assistant Professor of Statistics and Herbert Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data Research

Email: bmd2151@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Research interests: statistical machine learning for genomics: single-cell genomics, spatial transcriptomics, live-imaging


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Yuqi Gu

Assistant Professor

Email: yuqi.gu@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Latent variable models, latent structure analysis, tensor decompositions, graphical models, mixture models, statistical machine learning, Bayesian statistics, multivariate categorical data, psychometrics and cognitive diagnostic modeling.

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Chris Harshaw

Assistant Professor

Email: crh2167@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Research interests:  causal inference, experiment design, interference, sequential analysis, algorithms

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Cynthia Rush

Associate Professor

Office: Room 1009 SSW
Email: cgr2130@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Research Interests: Information Theory, Machine Learning, High-dimensional Statistics, Message Passing Algorithms, Signal Processing

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Anne van Delft

Assistant Professor

Office: Room 1012 SSW
Email: av2972@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Research interests: functional data analysis, time series analysis (on function spaces), nonstationary stochastic processes. 

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Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track

Graeme Baker

Assistant Professor

Email: g.baker@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Statistics Department
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Steven Campbell

Assistant Professor

Email: sc5314@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Statistics Department
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Yongchan Kwon

Assistant Professor

Email: yk3012@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Yongchan Kwon is a new term Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics. His research focuses on developing more interpretable and rigorous machine learning methods, directly motivated by scientific questions. In particular, he has been interested in data valuation and attribution problems. Before joining Columbia, he received a PhD at Seoul National University in South Korea and did a postdoc at Stanford University.

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Alberto Gonzalez Sanz

Assistant Professor

Email: ag4855@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Statistics Department
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Yisha Yao

Assistant Professor

Email: yy3381@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Statistics Department
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Chenyang Zhong

Assistant Professor

Email: cz2755@columbia.edu
Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Statistics Department

Chenyang Zhong received his PhD in Statistics from Stanford University in 2022 advised by Prof. Persi Diaconis. His research interests revolve around Markov chain Monte Carlo (including design of efficient sampling algorithms and their convergence rate analysis), probability (including random permutation models, random matrix theory, and interacting particle systems), and statistical machine learning. He is also enthusiastic about the applications to scientific problems. 


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Lecturers in Discipline

Senior Lecturer in Discipline

Banu Baydil

Senior Lecturer in Discipline

Office: Room 613 Watson Hall
Phone: 212-853-1397
Email: bb2717@columbia.edu
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department
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Ashley Datta

Lecturer in Discipline

Email: pd2511@columbia.edu
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department
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Wayne T. Lee

Lecturer in Discipline

Email: wtl2109@columbia.edu
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department
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Dobrin Marchev

Lecturer in Discipline

Email: dm3174@columbia.edu
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department

Since I got my PhD from University of Florida, I have been teaching Statistics for more than 15 years. Before Columbia University I had held positions at CUNY, University of Sydney, SUNY and Teachers College, among others. I also have research interests in MCMC methodology.

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Senior Lecturer in Discipline, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Ronald Neath

Senior Lecturer in Discipline, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Office: Room 612 Watson Hall
Phone: 212-853-1398
Email: rcn2112@columbia.edu
Faculty Leadership, Lecturer in Discipline, Program Directors, Statistics Department
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Alex Pijyan

Lecturer in Discipline

Email: ap4347@columbia.edu
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department

Alex Pijyan recently graduated from Michigan State University with a doctoral degree in Statistics. His professional interests focus on undergraduate and graduate statistics education. He recently joined the department of Statistics, where he will pursue his teaching career as a lecturer in Discipline. Originally, Alex is from Georgia, a small country in Eastern Europe with rich historical and cultural heritage.

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Joyce Robbins

Lecturer in Discipline

Email: jtr13@columbia.edu
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department
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Lecturer in Discipline, Director of Graduate Studies for the M.A. Program in Statistics

Gabriel Young

Lecturer in Discipline, Director of Graduate Studies for the M.A. Program in Statistics

Office: Room 614 Watson Hall
Phone: 212-853-1395
Email: gjy2107@columbia.edu
Faculty Leadership, Lecturer in Discipline, Program Directors, Statistics Department

Research interests: Time Series Analysis, Functional Data Analysis, Applications to Finance and Economics.

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