Senior Faculty
Richard A. Davis
Howard Levene ProfessorOffice: Room 1026 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2137
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
Research Interests: Time series analysis, financial time series modeling, extreme value theory, spatial-temporal modeling with environmental applications, applied probability, and stochastic processes.
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Victor de la Pena
ProfessorOffice: Room 1027 SSW
Phone: 212-851-2144
Full-Time Faculty, Senior Faculty, Statistics Department
Professor Victor de la Pena's paper ``From Decoupling and Self-Normalization to Machine Learning'' was invited and has been published in the ``Notices of the American Society''
which is distributed to over 30,000 members and member institutions worldwide.
Research Interests: Inequalities in Probability and Statistics, Sequential Analysis, Boundary Crossing and Change Point Problems, U-Statistics and Processes, Self-Normalized Processes, General Dependence Structures Including Martingales, Decoupling, Copulas. Managing Risk in Complex Systems, Banking, Actuarial Sciences, Earth Sciences, Climatology Global Warming.
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Junior Faculty, Tenure Track
Assistant Professor of Statistics and Herbert Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data Research
Bianca Dumitrascu
Assistant Professor of Statistics and Herbert Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data ResearchEmail:
Junior Faculty, Tenure Track, Statistics Department
Research interests: statistical machine learning for genomics: single-cell genomics, spatial transcriptomics, live-imaging
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Junior Faculty, Non-Tenure Track
Lecturers in Discipline
Ashley Datta
Lecturer in DisciplineEmail:
Lecturer in Discipline, Statistics Department
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