Department of Statistics at Columbia University
Faculty Positions Starting Fall 2018
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor
- Term Assistant Professor
- Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow
- Tenured/Tenure-track in Statistics, Neuroscience and MBBI
- Lecturer in Discipline, School of Professional Studies
Tenure-track Assistant Professor
The Department of Statistics invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position to begin July 1, 2018. A Ph.D. in statistics or a related field is required. Candidates will be expected to sustain an active research and publication agenda and to teach in the departmental undergraduate and graduate programs. The field of research is open to any area of statistics and probability.
The Department currently consists of 30 faculty members, 50 PhD students, and over 300 MA students. The Department has been expanding rapidly and, like the University itself, is an extraordinarily vibrant academic community. We are especially interested in candidates who through their research, teaching and/or service will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. For further information about the Department and our programs, please go to our webpage at:
All applications must be submitted through Columbia’s online Recruitment of Academic Personnel System (RAPS) at
The application must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching statement, research statement and the names of 3 references. References will be asked to upload letters of recommendation in RAPS.
Inquiries may be made to [email protected]
Review of applications begins on December 1, 2017, and will continue until the position is filled.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Term Assistant Professor Positions Starting Fall 2018
The Department of Statistics invites applications for four-year term positions at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin July 1, 2018. A PhD in statistics or a related field is required, as is a commitment to high quality research and teaching in statistics and/or probability. Candidates will be expected to sustain an active research and publication agenda and to teach in the departmental undergraduate and graduate programs. Candidates with expertise in machine learning, big data, mathematical finance and probability area particularly encouraged to apply.
The department currently consists of 30 faculty members, 50 PhD students, and over 300 MA students. The department has been expanding rapidly and, like the University itself, is an extraordinarily vibrant academic community. We are especially interested in candidates who, through their research, teaching and/or service will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. For further information about the department and our activities, centers, research areas, and curricular programs, please go to our web page at:
All applications must be submitted through Columbia’s online Recruitment of Academic Personnel
System (RAPS) at
The application must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching statement, research statement and the names of 3 references. References will be asked to upload letters of recommendation in RAPS.
Inquiries may be made to [email protected]
Review of applications begins on December 1, 2017, and will continue until the position is filled.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Statistics, Columbia University
The Department of Statistics invites applications for the newly created Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship in Statistics. The fellowship seeks to bring exceptional scientists of outstanding potential to Columbia University. This two-year fellowship, with no teaching obligations, is to begin between July and September 2018. The Fellow will hold the rank of postdoctoral research scientist in the Department of Statistics. A competitive annual salary will be supplemented with generous funding for conference travel and research support.
Applications in all areas of statistics and probability will be considered: the primary selection criterion will be the candidate’s exceptional promise to produce high quality and visible research. Candidates must have a PhD in statistics or related field by the date of appointment. The Fellow will be expected to pursue a vigorous research agenda and to participate actively in the intellectual life of the Department.
The Department currently consists of 30 faculty members, 50 PhD students, and over 300 MA students. The department has been expanding rapidly and, like the University itself, is an extraordinarily vibrant academic community. We are especially interested in candidates who, through their research, teaching and/or service will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. For further information about the department and our programs, please go to our web page at:
All applications must be submitted through Columbia’s online Recruitment of Academic Personnel System (RAPS) at
The application must include the following:
- A cover letter that explains your motivation for applying for this position and indicates your choice of mentors from the statistics faculty.
- A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications)
- A brief research statement that summarizes current research interests, past accomplishments, and future research goals. It should contain a short proposal for the research activities you plan to conduct while at Columbia.
- The names of 3 references–references will be asked to upload letters of recommendation in RAPS.
Inquiries may be made to [email protected]. Review of applications begins on January 15, 2018, and will continue until the position is filled.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Statistics, Neuroscience and MBBI Starting Fall 2018
The Department of Neuroscience, the Department of Statistics, and the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University invite applications for two positions (tenured or tenure-track) at the assistant or associate professor level, to begin in 2018. The position in the Department of Neuroscience will focus on theoretical neuroscience. The position in the Department of Statistics will focus on the application of statistics to neuroscience with an appointment in the Department of Statistics. Both positions will include appointments as well as office and laboratory space in the Theory Center and Grossman Center of the Statistics of Mind within the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute housed in the Jerome L. Greene Science Center at Columbia.
We are seeking dynamic scientists interested in exploiting the multidisciplinary environment provided by the Zuckerman Institute and interacting with Zuckerman Institute faculty, as well as with others in the Columbia neuroscience, biological sciences, physical sciences, statistics, and machine learning communities, including the Data Science Institute.
The Zuckerman Institute brings together scientists from diverse backgrounds whose research focuses on brain function, wiring, and development. Zuckerman Institute faculty will function as full members of their home departments, and tenure will be granted by the home department.
Candidates will be expected to show expertise and an ability to lead a research program in theoretical and/or statistical neuroscience. Applicants are expected to have a strong record of scientific achievement and to demonstrate the ability to engage in innovative research and teaching. Applicants should hold a PhD in neuroscience, statistics, or a related area.
Candidates will contribute to teaching in their home departments and the Zuckerman Institute. For further information about the departments and our activities, centers, research areas, and curricular programs, please go to our web pages at:; and
To apply for the position in Statistics, please apply through the following link:
To apply for the position in Neuroscience, please go to the link:
The application must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, research statement, the names of 3 references and writing sample/publication. References will be asked to upload letters of recommendation in RAPS.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Lecturer in Discipline Positions Starting Fall 2018
The School of Professional Studies (SPS) at Columbia University invites applications for appointments in its Actuarial Science Program, which is administered jointly with Columbia’s Department of Statistics. The positions may be filled at any rank from lecturer in discipline to senior lecturer in discipline and are effective July 1, 2018. These are full-time, non-tenure-track appointments with multi-year renewal contingent on successful reviews.
Candidates at the rank of Senior Lecturer in Discipline are expected to have substantial experience and accomplishments, and a superlative record of teaching as a lecturer, and documented evidence of pedagogical excellence in carrying out administrative or other department responsibilities.
Candidates at the rank of Lecturer in Discipline are expected to have teaching experience, documented evidence of pedagogical excellence, and evidence of professional growth and activity in the given field.
Candidates must have a degree in actuarial science or a related field, preferably post-graduate, and must demonstrate potential for excellence in teaching at the graduate level. Applicants with an earned PhD in actuarial science or statistics and professional actuarial credentials are especially encouraged to apply. Duties include teaching, advising and curriculum design. Other duties include: program development; student mentoring, and in particular, providing academic and career advice to students as they transition to practicing actuaries; and participation in the vision and direction of the actuarial science program.
The Actuarial Science program seeks individuals with a vibrant portfolio of academic study, experience and publications in one or more of the following disciplines as they relate to actuarial science: -Life insurance -Health insurance -Pensions and retirement systems -Property and Casualty insurance -Reinsurance
Review of applications begins on January 15, 2018, and will continue until the position is filled.
All applications must be submitted through Columbia’s online Recruitment of Academic Personnel System (RAPS) at
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.