Both R and Python are used.   A good website to have time to prepare in advance for programming options is located here.…

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No, you may not.  Here is some general information on Statistics on the GSAS Website. …

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Most students, with a strong mathematics background and previous exposure to probability and inference, should take the half-semester version of GR5203 and GR5204.

The half-semester courses are intensive courses.  They move twice as fast, so it is important to keep up.   If you find that you are having academic difficulties, …

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The Statistics Department does not hire an MA student to be an RA or TA. 

There are “Grader” opportunities available for MA students, but not in the first semester.  You may apply in the second semester based upon your qualifications.  You will be informed of these opportunities via email. …

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The Statistics Department urges students to focus on their coursework in the first semester.  Look for a job, preferably in the second semester, via this LINK.  International students should review the ISSO Website. …

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