MA Mentored Research* offers mentored learning and research opportunities for our MA Program in Statistics. Every year our students apply and are selected to partake in exciting projects spearheaded by lead researchers in their respective fields. Researchers at Columbia University, higher education institutions, non-profit organizations, and industry actively seek …

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The main purpose of this mentored on-campus learning and research program is to provide our PhD-oriented current MA students with research experience. It allows our students to gain experience and skills to grow as researchers while providing faculty from other departments RAs with rigorous preparation in Statistics and Machine

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The BA/MA option is available only to current Columbia Undergraduates (Columbia College, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the School of General Studies, and Barnard College).   This option allows students to complete both the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree (BA/MA) in a shorter period of time; thus, providing …

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  • Focus on getting excellent grades in your first semester. 
  • Take Professional Development – GR 5391 section 003 – MA2PhD Seminar Series
    • You will register on a managed waitlist. 
    • The instructor will choose the students off the waitlist to join the roster of GR 5391 section 003. 
  • Take Ph.D. level courses,

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  • The number of classes taken must be approved by the Faculty Adviser. 
  • To remain in Good Academic Standing (GPA at 3.0 and above), it is recommended to take no more than four classes per semester unless you have an exceptionally strong background in the material.
  • It doesn’t matter how many

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