Important Note:  Students may take up to two courses from the list below to count toward graduation.  Students must consult with their Faculty Adviser about potential overlap in Data Science/Machine Learning courses when exploring courses not on the list below. 

Computer Science courses open to students in other departments, including Statistics students, during the Change of Program period. Enrollment is determined by the CS Department and are not guaranteed. CS course registration policy and further information can be found at:

Non-Data Science students will be able to join a waitlist via SSOL.  Space permitting, Non-DS students will be moved from the waitlist to the class roster during the first week of classes. Questions about Data Science courses? Email

Course Course Title
U6506 Data Science & Public Policy
APMA E4990  Introduction to Data Science in Industry
BINF G4006 Translational Bioinformatics
COMS W4111 Introduction to Databases*
COMS W4121 Computer Systems for Data Science (Spring course only)
COMS 4705 Natural Language Processing
COMS 4775 Causal Inference 1
COMS 4995* Causal Inference for Data Science
COMS E 6998** Cloud Computing & Big Data
CSOR W4231 Analysis of Algorithms I
CSOR W4246 Algorithms for Data Science
CSEE W4119 Computer Networks
ECBM E4040 Neural Networks & Deep Learning
ECBM E6040 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Research)
EECS E6720 Bayesian Mod Machine Learning
EECS E6893 Big Data Analytics
EECS E6895 Adv. Big Data Analytics
EECS E6894 Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing

*COMS 4995 Sections (if not specifically included on the list above) must be individually approved by the Faculty Adviser

**Only COMS E 6998 Cloud Computing & Big Data counts, other topics do not count towards graduation and require Faculty Adviser’s approval