Errata (excluding minor typos) for the 4th printing of Bayesian Data Analysis. If you find any other errors, please e-mail to p. 31, 11th line from bottom: "241,925" should be "241,945". p. 47, lines 12-13: "precision-weighted average" should be "degrees-of-freedom-weighted average". p. 76, 14th-13rd lines from the bottom: "can be interpreted as containing equivalent information to" should be "is mathematically equivalent to a likelihood resulting from". p. 80, 15th line from bottom: "mu|Sigma" should be "mu|Sigma,y". p. 131, middle: both instances of "10^{-10}" should be "-10^{10}". p. 140, equation: proportionality should be equality. p. 218, 12th line from bottom: "N - N lambda_2" should be "N - N lambda_1". p. 245, table: The numbers in the table are wrong. They should be: 2.5% 25% median 75% 97.5% Incumbency 0.084 0.103 0.114 0.124 0.144 Vote proportion in 1986 0.576 0.627 0.654 0.680 0.731 Incumbent party -0.014 -0.009 -0.007 -0.004 0.001 Constant term 0.066 0.106 0.127 0.148 0.188 sigma (residual sd) 0.061 0.064 0.066 0.068 0.071 p. 339, unnumbered displayed equation: there should also be a factor of |Sigma_y|^(-1/2) on the right side of the equation. p. 385, equation (14.1): "p(y|X,beta)" should be "p(y|X,beta,phi)". p. 477, density function of Beta-binomial distribution: a and b should be alpha and beta. p. 479, equation (A.2): "(Sigma^-1)_ii" should be "1/(Sigma^-1)_ii". p. 485, last line: "H(theta)-H(theta_0)" should be "H(theta_0)-H(theta)". We thank Patrick Aboyoun, Chuanpu Hu, Zaiying Huang, Thomas Richardson, Charles Russell, and Mark Vangel for finding some of these. This list was last changed on 29 August 2003.