For the M.A. Degree

Students are required to take 7 courses (as specified below) from the core curriculum:

STAT GR6101, GR6102, GR6103 (Applied Statistics)

STAT GR6201, GR6202, GR6203 (Theoretical Statistics)

STAT GR6301, GR6302, GR6303 (Probability Theory)

STAT GR5264 (Stochastic Processes)

STAT GR6104 (Statistical Computing)

In the first semester, students typically take GR6101, GR6301, GR6201. In the second semester students take any three of GR6102, GR6302, GR6202, and GR6104. In the third semester, students must take at least one of GR6103, GR6203 and GR5264. Students wishing additional preparation before embarking on the Probability sequence (STAT GR6301-GR6302) may take MATH W4061-W4062 (Introduction to Modern Analysis) first. Before the beginning of the second year students take qualifying exams in one of probability, theoretical statistics, and applied statistics. Every student must pass one qualifying exams before the start of the third year. A student who fails a qualifying exam may re-take that exam only once. Upon successful completion of the qualifying exams, the MA is awarded. After completing the required courses and written qualifying exams, a Ph.D. student takes a variety of advanced courses offered by this and, in some cases, related departments. While there are no formal requirements as to the number of points of courses taken for a letter grade, it is expected that students will take all core courses for a letter grade.