Broadening Possibilities

The Department of Statistics at Columbia University fully supports the University’s mission to broaden participation in STEM pathways by supporting individuals from different backgrounds. We believe that broadening participation is essential to advancing excellence in education and research activities. 

We strive to develop a department culture where every single member of the Department is supported for their work in a safe and welcoming environment. To this end and through the work of our departmental Broadening Participation Committee, we are committed to the following objectives: 

  • To create and promote a healthy and inclusive departmental climate and work culture
  • To actively pursue and create STEM initiatives supported by the Department, the Provost, Columbia College, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to support the scholarship and research experiences of our students
  • To continuously monitor and review admission policies and requirements to identify obstacles that may affect any prospective students 
  • To achieve a broad faculty and student body in our programs

Current DEI Programs and Initiatives 

The Department of Statistics is grateful to our partners and sponsors for their support of our department’s broadening participation initiatives: