ST 430: Probability and Mathematical Statistics II
Spring 2007
Mon, Wed and Fri, E202 Engineering, 11:00am-11:50am
- Richard A. Davis
- email:
- office: Rm 201 Statistics Building
- phone: 491-7321
- office hours:
- Tue: 4:00pm-5:00pm
- Also by appointment
- Additional office hours will be scheduled before midterms and
the final exam
- Final exam is scheduled for Thursday May 10, 2007, 1:30-3:30.
Note: the best way to contact your instructor is by email.
Last update: 01/02/07
Note: you should visit this page on a regular basis
Announcements, news etc:
- [04/05] Practice Final click here.
- [04/05] Office hours during finals week are Tuesday 5-6:00
and Wednesday 4-5:00.
- [04/04] The Final is scheduled for Thursday May 10.
It will be comprehensive covering material from Chapter 5 through
Section 11.3. You will be
given a table of moment-generating functions for various
distributions and the look-up tables for the z, t, chi-square, and F
distributions. You are allowed three "cheat-sheets" (8.5 by 11 inches),
both sides. Please bring a calculator and paper for your answers.
- [04/10] Midterm 2, click here.
- [03/31] Practice
Midterm 2, click here.
- There will be an extra office hour on Thursday April 5 in the
library (room 213, our usual meeting place) of the Statistics
- Dan will go over the practice midterm on Wedneday, April 4 in
- Dr. Dan Cooley will be substituting for me the week of April 2.
He will have office hours on Tuesday April 3 at our usual time 4-5:00.
- [03/26] Midterm II is scheduled for Friday April 6.
It will cover material through Section 7.5 of the text. You will be
given a table of moment-generating functions for various
distributions and the look-up tables for the z, t, chi-square, and F
distributions. You are allowed two "cheat-sheets" (8.5 by 11 inches),
both sides. Please bring a calculator and paper for your answers.
- Office hours on Tuesday, March 6, will be changed from 4-5:00 to
- You may redo your midterm and turn it in on Feb 28. The results
of this "retake" will be used to help students in bordline cases at the
end of the semester.
- [02/26]
Midterm 1, click here.
- [02/19] Practice
Midterm 1, click here.
- [02/09] Midterm I is scheduled for Feb 23.
- [01/23] Office hours are cancled today.
- [01/22] Richard will be gone Monday and Tuesday. Josh French will
lecture on Monday.
Some useful links: