Fast nonnegative spatiotemporal calcium smoothing in dendritic
Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis*, Columbia University,
Keith Kelleher*, University of Houston,
Rebecca Chen, University of Houston,
Kresimir Josić, University of Houston,
Peter Saggau, Baylor College of Medicine,
Liam Paninski, Columbia University,
* Equal contributions
Submitted to COSYNE11
Understanding what triggers synaptic strength modifications in vivo
remains a key problem in cellular neuroscience. Recent fast scanning
multi-photon microscopy techniques [1] support the role of calcium as
a key biochemical effector, signaling the coincident occurrence of
back-propagating action potentials (bAPs) and excitatory post-synaptic
potentials (EPSPs), which is a key tenet of models of STDP
[2]. However, determining the entire spatio-temporal pattern of
calcium influx is difficult since the available experimental
techniques are noisy, sub-sampled observations of the true underlying
calcium signals. It is therefore necessary to use statistical methods
to infer details of calcium transients. Optimal spatiotemporal
smoothing of the calcium profile on a dendritic tree given local noisy
measurements remains a computationally hard problem, due to the high
dimensionality and complex structure of dendritic trees.
Here we take a functional approach: The evolution of calcium
concentration on the whole tree is determined from a smaller set of
hidden variables that govern the calcium dynamics and incorporate
possible calcium bumps due to bAPs, EPSPs or external stimulation. The
observations are then expressed as linear, noisy measurements of the
hidden variables. Using a state-space approach, our problem reduces to
the maximum a posteriori estimation of these hidden states and can be
efficiently solved, if the prior distributions of the calcium activity
and measurement noise are log-concave as a function of the hidden
states. The complexity of the estimation algorithm scales linearly
both with the number of time steps T over which we infer the
underlying signal and with the number of hidden states d (i.e., the
size of the tree), leading to a tractable overall complexity of
O(dT). We apply our algorithm to real reconstructed dendritic trees
and find that the filtered output can quite accurately interpolate and
denoise the subsampled, noisy observed spatiotemporal data.
Here is an example: