Aleks Jakulin
Department of Statistics
Columbia University
1255 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027-5904, USA.
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Publications (incomplete)

Current Project:

Past Projects:



Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science (slightly out of date)

Machine Learning:

Data Mining course at Columbia

Data Mining in Politics

Artificial Aesthetic Sense

Attribute Interactions in Machine Learning

Orange: Data Mining and Machine Learning with Python

Artificial Intelligence for Games

Strojno ucenje s simplicialnimi kompleksi (Machine Learning with Simplicial Complexes) (PDF, in Slovene)
Ucenje igranja sahovskih koncnic (Machine Learning for Chess Endgames) (PDF, in Slovene)

Image Compression:

Wavelets in Image Compression with Mathematica

JPEG and JPEG2000 Artifacts Illustrated

PNG: Portable Network Graphics

MNG: Multiple-image Network Graphics


Computer Graphics and Visualization:

Real-Time Vegetation Rendering

Vecrazsezno lestvicenje (MDS - Multi-Dimensional Scaling) (in Slovene)

Vizualizacija (Visualization) (in Slovene)

Other Topics:

Quickly computing the square root

Elektronsko poslovanje (e-Business) (in Slovene)