setwd("~/AndrewFiles/books/regression.and.other.stories/Examples/ElectionsEconomy") library("arm") library("rstanarm") options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) library("ggplot2") library("bayesplot") theme_set(bayesplot::theme_default(base_family = "sans")) ## Graphing the bread and peace model hibbs <- read.table("hibbs.dat", header=TRUE) colnames(hibbs) <- c("year", "growth", "vote", "inc", "other") pdf("hibbsdots.pdf", height=4.5, width=7.5) n <- nrow(hibbs) par(mar=c(0,0,1.2,0)) left <- -.3 right <- -.28 center <- -.07 f <- .17 plot(c(left-.31,center+.23), c(-3.3,n+3), type="n", bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i", yaxs="i") mtext("Forecasting elections from the economy", 3, 0, cex=1.2) with(hibbs, { for (i in 1:n){ ii <- order(growth)[i] text(left-.3, i, paste (inc[ii], " vs. ", other[ii], " (", year[ii], ")", sep=""), adj=0, cex=.8) points(center+f*(vote[ii]-50)/10, i, pch=20) if (i>1){ if (floor(growth[ii]) != floor(growth[order(growth)[i-1]])){ lines(c(left-.3,center+.22), rep(i-.5,2), lwd=.5, col="darkgray") } } } }) lines(center+f*c(-.65,1.3), rep(0,2), lwd=.5) for (tick in seq(-.5,1,.5)){ lines(center + f*rep(tick,2), c(0,-.2), lwd=.5) text(center + f*tick, -.5, paste(50+10*tick,"%",sep=""), cex=.8) } lines(rep(center,2), c(0,n+.5), lty=2, lwd=.5) text(center+.05, n+1.5, "Incumbent party's share of the popular vote", cex=.8) lines(c(center-.088,center+.19), rep(n+1,2), lwd=.5) text(right, n+1.5, "Income growth", adj=.5, cex=.8) lines(c(right-.05,right+.05), rep(n+1,2), lwd=.5) text(right, 16.15, "more than 4%", cex=.8) text(right, 14, "3% to 4%", cex=.8) text(right, 10.5, "2% to 3%", cex=.8) text(right, 7, "1% to 2%", cex=.8) text(right, 3.5, "0% to 1%", cex=.8) text(right, .85, "negative", cex=.8) text(left-.3, -2.3, "Above matchups are all listed as incumbent party's candidate vs.\ other party's candidate.\nIncome growth is a weighted measure over the four years preceding the election. Vote share excludes third parties.", adj=0, cex=.7) pdf("hibbsscatter.pdf", height=4.5, width=5) par(mar=c(3,3,2,.1), mgp=c(1.7,.5,0), tck=-.01) plot(c(-.7, 4.5), c(43,63), type="n", xlab="Avg recent growth in personal income", ylab="Incumbent party's vote share", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", mgp=c(2,.5,0), main="Forecasting the election from the economy ", bty="l") axis(1, 0:4, paste(0:4,"%",sep=""), mgp=c(2,.5,0)) axis(2, seq(45,60,5), paste(seq(45,60,5),"%",sep=""), mgp=c(2,.5,0)) with(hibbs, text(growth, vote, year, cex=.8)) abline(50, 0, lwd=.5, col="gray") M1 <- lm(vote ~ growth, data = hibbs) display(M1) pdf("hibbsline.pdf", height=4.5, width=5) par(mar=c(3,3,2,.1), mgp=c(1.7,.5,0), tck=-.01) plot(c(-.7, 4.5), c(43,63), type="n", xlab="Avg recent growth in personal income", ylab="Incumbent party's vote share", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", mgp=c(2,.5,0), main="Data and linear fit", bty="l") axis(1, 0:4, paste(0:4,"%",sep=""), mgp=c(2,.5,0)) axis(2, seq(45,60,5), paste(seq(45,60,5),"%",sep=""), mgp=c(2,.5,0)) with(hibbs, points(growth, vote, pch=20)) abline(50, 0, lwd=.5, col="gray") abline(coef(M1), col="gray15") text(2.7, 53.5, paste("y =", fround(coef(M1)[1],1), "+", fround(coef(M1)[2],1), "x"), adj=0, col="gray15") print(coef(M1)["growth"] + c(-1,1)*qt(.975,13)*se.coef(M1)["growth"]) ## Prediction given 2% growth pdf("hibbspredict.pdf", height=3.5, width=6) par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.7,.5,0), tck=-.01) mu <- 52.3 sigma <- 3.8 curve (dnorm(x,mu,sigma), ylim=c(0,.11), from=35, to=70, bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", yaxs="i", xlab="Clinton share of the two-party vote", ylab="", main="Probability forecast of Hillary Clinton vote share in 2016,\nbased on 2% rate of economic growth") x <- seq (50,65,.1) polygon(c(min(x),x,max(x)), c(0,dnorm(x,mu,sigma),0), col="darkgray", border="black") axis(1, seq(40,65,5), paste(seq(40,65,5),"%",sep="")) text(51, .035, "Predicted\n73% chance of\nClinton victory", adj=0) ## Use Stan ## Fit the model M2 <- stan_glm(vote ~ growth, data = hibbs) print(M2) prior_summary(M2) ## Extract the simulations sims <- as.matrix(M2) a <- sims[,1] b <- sims[,2] sigma <- sims[,3] n_sims <- nrow(sims) print(median(a)) print(1.483*median(abs(a - median(a)))) ## Do a prediction "manually" y_hat <- a + 2.0 * b y_pred <- rnorm(n_sims, y_hat, sigma) Median <- median(y_pred) MAD_SD <- 1.483*median(abs(y_pred - median(y_pred))) win_prob <- mean(y_pred > 50) cat("Predicted Clinton percentage of 2-party vote: ", fround(Median, 1), ", with s.e. ", fround(MAD_SD, 1), "\nPr (Clinton win) = ", fround(win_prob, 2), sep="") pdf("hibbspredict_bayes_1.pdf", height=4, width=10) par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,2,3,0), mgp=c(1.5,.5,0), tck=-.01) hist(a, ylim=c(0,1000), xlab="a", ylab="", main="Posterior simulations of the intercept, a,\nand posterior median +/- 1 and 2 std err", cex.axis=.9, cex.lab=.9, yaxt="n", col="gray90") abline(v=median(a), lwd=2) arrows(median(a) - 1.483*median(abs(a - median(a))), 550, median(a) + 1.483*median(abs(a - median(a))), 550, length=.1, code=3, lwd=2) arrows(median(a) - 2*1.483*median(abs(a - median(a))), 250, median(a) + 2*1.483*median(abs(a - median(a))), 250, length=.1, code=3, lwd=2) hist(b, ylim=c(0,1000), xlab="b", ylab="", main="Posterior simulations of the slope, b,\nand posterior median +/- 1 and 2 std err", cex.axis=.9, cex.lab=.9, yaxt="n", col="gray90") abline(v=median(b), lwd=2) arrows(median(b) - 1.483*median(abs(b - median(b))), 550, median(b) + 1.483*median(abs(b - median(b))), 550, length=.1, code=3, lwd=2) arrows(median(b) - 2*1.483*median(abs(b - median(b))), 250, median(b) + 2*1.483*median(abs(b - median(b))), 250, length=.1, code=3, lwd=2) pdf("hibbspredict_bayes_2a.pdf", height=4.5, width=5) par(mar=c(3,3,2,.1), mgp=c(1.7,.5,0), tck=-.01) plot(a, b, xlab="a", ylab="b", main="Posterior draws of the regression coefficients a, b ", bty="l", pch=20, cex=.2) # ggplot version ggplot(data.frame(a = sims[, 1], b = sims[, 2]), aes(a, b)) + geom_point(size = 1) + labs(title = "Posterior draws of the regression coefficients a, b") pdf("hibbspredict_bayes_2b.pdf", height=4.5, width=5) par(mar=c(3,3,2,.1), mgp=c(1.7,.5,0), tck=-.01) plot(c(-.7, 4.5), c(43,63), type="n", xlab="Avg recent growth in personal income", ylab="Incumbent party's vote share", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", mgp=c(2,.5,0), main="Data and 100 posterior draws of the line, y = a + bx ", bty="l") axis(1, 0:4, paste(0:4,"%",sep=""), mgp=c(2,.5,0)) axis(2, seq(45,60,5), paste(seq(45,60,5),"%",sep=""), mgp=c(2,.5,0)) for (i in 1:100){ abline(a[i], b[i], lwd=.5) } abline(50, 0, lwd=.5, col="gray") with(hibbs, { points(growth, vote, pch=20, cex=1.5, col="white") points(growth, vote, pch=20) }) # ggplot version ggplot(hibbs, aes(x = growth, y = vote)) + geom_abline( intercept = sims[1:100, 1], slope = sims[1:100, 2], size = 0.1 ) + geom_abline( intercept = mean(sims[, 1]), slope = mean(sims[, 2]) ) + geom_point(color = "white", size = 3) + geom_point(color = "black", size = 2) + labs( x = "Avg recent growth in personal income", y ="Incumbent party's vote share", title = "Data and 100 posterior draws of the line, y = a + bx" ) + scale_x_continuous( limits = c(-.7, 4.5), breaks = 0:4, labels = paste(0:4, "%", sep = "") ) + scale_y_continuous( limits = c(43, 63), breaks = seq(45, 60, 5), labels = paste(seq(45, 60, 5), "%", sep = "") ) ## Add more uncertainty x <- rnorm(n_sims, 2.0, 0.3) y_hat <- a + b*x y_pred <- rnorm(n_sims, y_hat, sigma) Median <- median(y_pred) MAD_SD <- 1.483*median(abs(y_pred - median(y_pred))) win_prob <- mean(y_pred > 50) cat("Predicted Clinton percentage of 2-party vote: ", fround(Median, 1), ", with s.e. ", fround(MAD_SD, 1), "\nPr (Clinton win) = ", fround(win_prob, 2), sep="") ## Use the posterior_predict function from rstanarm new_data <- data.frame(growth = 2.0) y_pred <- posterior_predict(M2, new_data) new_data_grid <- data.frame(growth = seq(-2.0, 4.0, 0.5)) y_pred_grid <- posterior_predict(M2, new_data_grid) pdf("hibbspredict_bayes_3.pdf", height=3.5, width=6) par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.7,.5,0), tck=-.01) hist(y_pred, breaks=seq(floor(min(y_pred)), ceiling(max(y_pred)),1), xlim=c(35,70), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", yaxs="i", bty="n", xlab="Clinton share of the two-party vote", ylab="", main="Bayesian simulations of Hillary Clinton vote share,\nbased on 2% rate of economic growth") axis(1, seq(40,65,5), paste(seq(40,65,5),"%",sep="")) # ggplot version (using bayesplot's mcmc_hist) mcmc_hist(y_pred, binwidth = 1) + xlim(35, 70) + labs( x ="Clinton share of the two-party vote", title = "Bayesian simulations of Hillary Clinton vote share,\nbased on 2% rate of economic growth" ) + theme(axis.line.y = element_blank()) ## Hypothetical forecast and data theta_hat_prior <- 0.524 se_prior <- 0.041 n <- 400 y <- 190 theta_hat_data <- y/n se_data <- sqrt((y/n)*(1-y/n)/n) theta_hat_bayes <- (theta_hat_prior / se_prior^2 + theta_hat_data / se_data^2) / (1 / se_prior^2 + 1 / se_data^2) se_bayes <- sqrt(1/(1/se_prior^2 + 1/se_data^2)) ## Ramp up the data variance se_data <- .075 print((theta_hat_prior/se_prior^2 + theta_hat_data/se_data^2)/(1/se_prior^2 + 1/se_data^2))