Student reviews from past semesters

Comments on readings, materials, assignments, and examinations

  1. The book is excellent. The assignments in this course were more challenging than any other course I have taken in the past.
  2. Really enjoyed the assignments in this class. Excellent job putting them together.
  3. Very difficult programming assignments, and I learned a lot doing them, …

What were the best aspects of this course?

  1. Assignments, Professor
  2. The homework.
  3. The assignments were challenging and probably the best part of the course. It was with bated breath, and nervous anticipation - almost like a blind date with someone you knew would be pretty - that we waited for the homework… ok, maybe that was 10% exaggerated. The final project also was/is very enjoyable. It allowed us to pursue topics of our interest, using cutting edge tools (both taught in the course, and otherwise).

General Comments

  1. Frank may seem intimidating at first, but it is only because he expects a lot from his students. For me, this was motivation to understand the material better before asking for help. He is a nice guy once you get to know him.
Term: Spring 2011
Time: Tu-Th, 6:10pm-7:25pm
Location : Pupin 412
Professor: Frank Wood
Room 1017
School of Social Work
Office Hours:
Tu 5-6pm
in classroom
TA: Nicholas Bartlett
Room 1023
School of Social Work
Mo 4-6pm
Room 1025
School of Social Work